Web Programmer Articles

In youth we learn. With age we understand.

22 06, 2018

Gravity Forms Telephone Validation (UK Number with Maximum and Minimum Digits)

2020-12-16T01:11:17+00:00June 22nd, 2018|Web Programming, WordPress Snippets|5 Comments

Recently a client needed a function or two for Gravity Forms to process UK telephone numbers, and asked that they are between 7 and 15 characters in length. The following Gravity forms filters do exactly what's needed. Paste them in to your theme's function.php [...]

27 02, 2018

WordPress Problem: Can Not Activate a Plugin

2018-11-07T01:03:39+00:00February 27th, 2018|Web Programming, WordPress Snippets|2 Comments

WordPress: Activating a Plugin Manually A client came to me recently with a broken site problem they simply couldn't fix. They had de-activated a plugin that was so heavily ingrained into the site that all site functionality had ceased to work, meaning they could not [...]

10 02, 2018

How to Remove the Connect your store to WooCommerce.com Message

2021-09-11T01:47:27+00:00February 10th, 2018|WordPress Snippets|4 Comments

After the recent WooCommerce updates, a number of clients have contacted me to ask about the admin message that appears in the WordPress Dashboard: Connect your store to WooCommerce.com to receive extensions updates and support. This message certainly isn't anything to be concerned about, and [...]

6 08, 2017

MySQL Fix: Error #1273 – Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci’

2018-11-07T01:05:20+00:00August 6th, 2017|WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

From time to time when migrating a WordPress website, you may come across collation issues when migrating the database. Specifically, a common error message when importing via PHPMyAdmin is the #1273 – Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci’ error. When Wordpress updated to version 4.2 they introduced support [...]

12 07, 2017

Restrict Dates to Future Only in Gravity Forms Datepicker

2020-09-25T23:45:06+00:00July 12th, 2017|WordPress Snippets|11 Comments

Gravity Forms is quite possibly the best forms plugin available for WordPress, but even with the vast array of functionality it offers right out of the box it still has its limitations. One such limitation is the date picker field, offers practically no chance of [...]

10 07, 2017

WordPress Search on Custom Fields

2018-11-07T01:06:18+00:00July 10th, 2017|WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

The WordPress default search has never been the most powerful tool in the WordPress arsenal, and hasn't changed much over the years. Developer and focus group discussions have promised much, but it's still the same old basic search functionality that existed way back when. However, [...]

7 07, 2017

Change Howdy Welcome Message on WordPress Admin Bar

2018-11-07T01:06:41+00:00July 7th, 2017|WordPress Snippets|2 Comments

It's often the small things that tend to annoy us, and in the case of one client it was the "Howdy" message on the right of the WordPress admin bar. A small thing perhaps, but how can you change it, programmatically? Fortunately help is at [...]

4 04, 2017

Add Mailchimp DKIM and SPF Records in cPanel/WHM

2018-11-07T01:07:07+00:00April 4th, 2017|Web Services|1 Comment

Managing your domain authentication to send mail with Mailchimp or similar mail providers can sound like a daunting task, but it's a relatively simple process. Hopefully this article will hold your hand through the experience and allow you to send mail via external websites, quickly [...]

2 02, 2017

Looking for WordPress Developers

2018-11-07T01:07:22+00:00February 2nd, 2017|Web Programming, WordPress|0 Comments

Are you a talented and hard working freelance programmer, with specific skills in PHP, JQuery, WordPress and other current web technologies? If so, I'd be happy to utilise your talents on an ongoing basis. You must have a strong grasp of WordPress, including custom post [...]

12 12, 2016

Restrict WordPress Registration to Certain Email Domains

2019-03-13T01:32:49+00:00December 12th, 2016|WordPress Snippets|19 Comments

Recently for a project it was necessary to restrict WordPress registration to a select few specific domains, for example: domains with an email address from a certain company, i.e. email addresses ending with @warrenchandler.com. Rather than using a plugin to do limit domain access when registering, [...]

12 11, 2016

How to prevent or reduce nausea and motion sickness with PlayStation VR

2018-11-07T01:08:03+00:00November 12th, 2016|General|1 Comment

People who know me are aware of the fact that I like a gadget or two (perhaps the understatement of the year). Arguably the hottest gadget around at the moment for consumers/gamers is the PlayStation VR, but it does come with its downsides.  And these [...]

8 11, 2016

WooCommerce Product Unavailable Out of Stock Problem

2020-06-27T17:42:03+00:00November 8th, 2016|Web Programming, WordPress Snippets|17 Comments

UPDATE: On later versions of WooCommerce in 2020 you may also try the following fix for the 30 limit threshold. https://www.warrenchandler.com/2020/06/27/woocommerce-variations-break-after-30-or-more-bug-fix/ Recently, a client was reporting that they were seeing an out of stock message on their product page, which wasn't correct.  All of the [...]

26 06, 2016

WordPress Resize at Upload Plugin mysql_real_escape_string() Error

2018-11-07T01:08:52+00:00June 26th, 2016|PHP Snippets, WordPress Snippets|1 Comment

If like me you use the WordPress plugin Resize at Upload, or Resize at Upload Plus, it's quite likely that you'll be getting a mysql error when changing the settings.  Something like: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/accountname/public_html/wp-content/plugins/resize-at-upload/resize-upload.php on line 63 [...]

29 08, 2015

WordPress Login Redirect For Different User Roles

2018-11-07T01:10:06+00:00August 29th, 2015|WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

From time to time clients come to me requesting login redirects in WordPress. The following handy snippet below allows you to specify where the user lands once they've logged in, based on user roles. In the example, users with Administrator and Editor roles are redirected [...]

6 03, 2015

Increase WordPress Upload Size from 8MB (Multi-Site)

2018-11-07T01:11:00+00:00March 6th, 2015|Web Programming, WordPress|0 Comments

WordPress installations can be confusing at times, and when combined with the PHP environment in which they reside, uploading can be one area that causes quite a bit of confusion. To give an example, recently a client asked for a solution to the following problem: [...]

25 01, 2015

WordPress Search Syntax in URL for Custom Post Types

2018-02-02T03:09:31+00:00January 25th, 2015|WordPress, WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

WordPress isn't exactly Google when it comes to searching. The system is long overdue an overhaul, but while we wait for the never-arriving necessity you can still get much more out of your WordPress searches. Today a programmer client asked me something that I thought [...]

25 01, 2015

Move the Cart in a WooCommerce Single Product

2018-02-02T03:09:31+00:00January 25th, 2015|Programming Tips, Web Programming|0 Comments

WooCommerce is a fantastic WordPress plugin, but unless you're really familiar with how it works you may run into a number of things that, on the surface at least, can not be done. One such thing is modifying the single product page template to rearrange [...]

27 08, 2014

Add Excerpt to WordPress Pages: How To

2018-11-07T01:11:23+00:00August 27th, 2014|Web Programming, WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

From time to time, as a web programmer you come across things that deviate from the norm. This is certainly one of them - adding an excerpt box to WordPress Pages. As you probably already know if you stumbled across this article, this feature already [...]

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