It would be fair to say that, for as good as it is, the Events Manager WordPress plugin doesn’t always play nice with themes and other plugin.
The latest example of this was sent by a client trying to get a simple element from an Event post into their Toolset View which was listing events, with no joy.
The field in question was the venue title, but unlike other fields it was not available to Toolset’s UI. Fortunately, the solution is a simple one.
Firstly, add the following to your theme’s functions.php file.
Then, in your View, add the following:
Once you’re done with this, there’s one final step. Go to Toolset > Settings in your Dashboard and click the Front End Content tab. There you will need to add the new registered shortcode to the list available to the Toolset plugin, as shown below.
And with that you should be good to go and your event venue name should show correctly in your View.
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